
huarghhh...it's been so long that i didn't update this blog.sorry guys..i am so busy for couple weeks ago..help my lil sis to settle down her school prob...hurm..the prob is she has sent her application form to jais for change her school from bbst to smel. then jais has approved it..but the prob is..the school doesn't accept her form which is it hs been aproved by head of dep islamic stud..so what's the prob..this really makes me messy n turn fussy...sabar je la..twice we went to the school..thankfully coz the school just in front of my house..lalala.. =p.. for the second time i met them,then they said..ok u can register to our school by tomorrow...what!!!... they never call us for the information. then;;it just ok..finally..Alhamdulillah.. =D
act that just an intro..haha...ok we change our language |
hai...naa...ni baru nk story cerita yang sebenar...time tgh view photo kt hp [sbb nk tgk apa yg semak smpi memory full] tiba2 terjumpa gambar kat uia...sbnrnya gambar2 tu merefresh otakku kembali kenangan time ta'aruf..time tu..agak penat la sbb buat rondaan 1 cfs...hurmm....ok lepas aktiviti meronda satu kawasan konfem lepas tu g makan,..lepas aktiviti tu kami bebas..ok..time ni aku,fiqah n raida kami ke cafe...dgn sng htnya tgk cafe tu kosong...yeahhh....happy giler time tu..lepas beli mknn..kami lepak kat situ kejap....amik angin.kononnya..tapi beberapa minit lepas tu..tiba2 brothers serbu...ok.fyi,kami ber3 je girls kt situ..apalagi..cabut r...hahah..otw balik ke bilik kami merungut..knp brothers dtg situ.smpi kt bilik...mcm biase gossiper mula bukak kedai cerita...kat situ bru kami tahu...girls mmg JARANG gile masuk cafe tu..klw masuk pon time solat jumaat..."patut la pon" [dalam hati]lepas je kejadian tu..aku dh serik g cafe kt bridge..seram...hahaha..aku lebih selesa g cafe kat mahallah aku je..mudah dan dekat..hahaha
[aku, mirah, syera, along, raida, hana]
[raida, mirah,fiqah,syera,along,aku] baru perasan hana xde time ni
time ni kitorg saja nk show yg bju cfs utk sister body shape..baru perasan malam ni sbb tgk org lain punye baju. nasib baik kami punye baju sume saiz besar]
mlm kemuncak ta'aruf week...sepatutnya event ni smbg kat dataran kc for girls..but kami smbg kt dalam bilik je..hehehe
muke2 kebosanan
syera.[kami slalu gune hp dia utk amik gambar...thanks friend] #abaikan muke aku yg pelik tu.tgh sms dgn my mom ok...hp comel tu still ade n sihat lagi..wlwpon dh tukar yg bru..tp tetap dihati ku si comel itu..bnyk kenangan melalui comel..