
Story Primadonna Linkies Stuff
Le Girl

Assalamualaikum. AHLAN WA SAHLAN to this blog. Do follow me :D


To Study The Abnormal is The Best Way of Understanding The Normal


1st week

this is my blog.
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 ok let start with something new.

1st week at cfs for sem 1 session 2012/2013
i am the 2nd year student. hoho. no bullying no playing. what in my mind is, settle down sort of problems. 1st i did add/drop session. i droped database. not for fun but the courses that i 've registered are so haruuu..haha
fz2, math3, btq. i think its pretty okay rather than database join us..

i love physics. i don't know why. but. it's vice verse with math. at school i do love math more than physics. at foundation, for me, calculus is so tough. compared with math1 and math2.

1st day at mahallah. so misserable and fussy when i check in the room, and i got a bed that is shaking one. i prefer to  take the upper bed than the lower. because it easy for me to release tension. but the problems are my bed is shaking and the mattress..arghhh so thin. dah la xde papan bawah tilam tu. memang la sakit kepala lutut aku bila naik katil. so for the first 3 nights, i slept on the floor..please la uia. change my stuff. i hate to complain. but i had too. go to MO (mahallah office) complaint about the damages and they said "we already told the technician to change ur mattress and bed. why they don't?"
they asked me? what? i don't know. the technician just came to my room and said "dik ni kami screw je settle la. esok kami datang katil ni x goyang dah" banyak la ang. aku duk tunggu esoknya sampai la ni..x datang pon. memang kitorg banyak masa nak tunggu korang pon. nampak sangat malas. kalau dah janji tunaikan. jangan pandai cakap je. hampeh. for the first day i attend the math3 class. mix classmates. from ict and physical science student. first day class. briefing about course outline then start the 1st chapter. learnt something new. about tangent and secant graph, then relationship with limits. and area under graph. analyse the limits that does not exist. 


o ALLAH...please ease my way..

if u r expert on math3 .feel free to lend ur mind and share ur knowledge with me. i need a person to teach me about calculus. i really need a person who can be my tutor. hopefully.

last thursday (21 june 2012)
barizah..rse down giler bila start blaja calculus...x phm...just hope i'll find a person just like u to teach me all the way.
 ·  · See Friendship · Thursday at 10:40am · 

    • Barizah Mrosli oh yeke...minta tolong kwn2 lain tak?
      hmm...maybe first2 ni kau rasa susah, lama2 dah biasa insyaAllah ok :)

    • Atikah Ali kawan2 lain pon minx tolong aku x dpt nk buat apa2...haru sungguh.

    • Barizah Mrosli oh..sama2 bersusah2han lah ni.. ce cari senior yg masa2 free ke..
      mcm aku dlu, aku pon xtau sorg2, tp lepas2 tu, aku jmpa kwn yg mmg sedia ajar n tolg aku bila xtau. insyaAllah nnt kau pon jmpa org yg selesa dgn kau n slesa utk bertanya. for now, just try n error finding people that are willing to help u :)\

    • Atikah Ali we r the seniors.... hpefully i'll find the person.

    • Barizah Mrosli aik? oh yeah i forgot u're still asasi n u're the senior -__-"
      okay. pray a lot.

    • Barizah Mrosli this one of the test for u from Allah. hope u can face it n take this test as an advantage toimprove ur iman by thinking a lot of him :)

      (2:286) Allah tidak membebani seseorg melainkan dgn kesanggupannya. Dia mendpt pahala dr kebajikan yg dikerjakan n seksa dr kejahatan yg dikerjakan.

      Thursday at 10:57am ·  · 1

    • Barizah Mrosli ‎(3:139) Dan jgnlah kau merasa lemah, dan jgn pula bersedih hati, sbb kamu plg tggi derajatnya , jika kamu org yg beriman. :)
      Thursday at 10:58am ·  · 1

    • Barizah Mrosli ‎(2:216) tetapi boleh jd kamu tidak menyenangi sesuatu, padahal itu baik bg mu, dan boleh jd kamu menyukai sesuatu, padahal ia tidak baik bg mu. Allah mengetahui sdg kamu tidak mengetahui. :)
      Thursday at 11:01am ·  · 1

    • Atikah Ali mungkin ini sebagai hint untuk aku jgn lupa diri n slalu remember HIM... nk dptkn cgpa 4.0 kita sanggup bersengkang mta... tp alpa akan ALLAH...maka..ambil ini sebagai satu hikmah untuk meningkatkan iman.. o ALLAH...brighten our heart and mind. strenghten our faith. please guide us from be far astray,...
      Thursday at 11:04am ·  · 1

    • Barizah Mrosli and remember this ayat, especilly when u're excellent:

      (39:49) maka apabila mnsia ditimpa bencana dia menyeru kami, kemudian apabila kami berikan nikmat kpd nya dia berkata, :sesungguhnya aku diberi nikmat ini hanyalah krna kepintaranku". Sbnrnya itu adalah ujian, tetapi kbnyakan mreka tidak mengetahui.

      drpd pemahaman aku, ayat ni ckp "kau igt kau pandai sgt ke, hebat sgt ke, padahal semua tu drpd Aku"

      Thursday at 11:06am ·  · 1

    • Barizah Mrosli anyway, gudluck atikah :D
      Thursday at 11:11am ·  · 1

    • Atikah Ali thanks for those verses... it reminds me to dua' whenever we have succeed or lost.
      Thursday at 11:14am ·  · 1

thanks for the calm. i really need a person to open my eyes.

peace no war no revenge