you can't exceed the limit

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
..إن شاء الله اليوم سأكتب هذا الإنشاء بالغة العربية
ok bahasa ibunda tercinta je la kan.. tak berapa bijak sangat la bahasa Quran ni.. nanti dapower sikit baru lah boleh guna.. bila rasa diri dah makin kering dengan basahan, terasa diri makin jauh dariNya.. hm.. tapi bila tengok penulisan orang2 hebat makin basah pulak jadinya.. mujur la tak sampai tahap kering-kontang hinggakan keras dan merekah..
(English pulok)
When you look at the people around you, you can clearly see many types of people that exists in the world.. but yet many of them did'nt know that there are not doing anything than just making something that not clearly seen by them.. they may think and do anything in this world but that will not last forever.. the world has it's limit.. and by the time it reaches it's limit, they will realize that what they did in the past is nothing than wasting their time with unbenifitable(jgn tiru) things..
Nowadays, people still searching their objective in life.. some of them may fells that they have found it.. so they are doing such things to achieve what they call it 'objective'.. unfortunatley they did'nt realize that the 'objective' that they are achieving for is not the real and exactly the right one.. they just think it by their mind.. maybe they are an intelligent person or maybe they have a good opinion.. but human is created by Allah and He created them with limits.. they cannot think and do all things.. when we know our real objective, we can see people struggling and working for nothing.. Syed Qutb said in his Tafsir " I see people is such a little child that go for an aspirations of kids " .. what Syed Qutb trying to say is people just wasting their times with small things.. you can imagine that they studied for many than 20 years just to make their lifes happy for about 30 - 40 years.. is'nt that a big wasting of time? you can think it by your own..

People uses their mind to solve all problems in their lifes.. they did it without being guided by anything.. that's why they are always goes wrong.. the only who knows how to solve a problem is the one who created it.. we may think by using logic but it does'nt mean that we are right.. if logic thinking can solve problems why does many unsolved problem today that be solved by logic thinking is not actually solved but even causes other problems.. that is surely because human cannot use their brains for all things.. there are some things that they cannot solve by their own.. so that's why Allah had send Islam to human in order to carry people to the right path.. Islam is not just a 'religion' that gives a meaning of relationship between human and God.. not just a 'relationship'.. but it means a lot.. the exact meaning is the way of life.. the way we should live in this world.. how we should carry our thinking and what we should do to solve each problems in our lifes.. if we just use logic in all things, it cannot solve the problems actually.. because of what? it is because we have limits.. He created us with limits.. because of that, we have to be guided by something that can show us to the real path..
when you are thinking of something, back to Islam.. you will surely find you way.. don't think that you are the best and can do everything because you cannot exceed your limits..