love codes

- C.H.I.N.A. - Come Here.. I Need Affection.
- B.U.R.M.A. - Between Us, Remember Me Always.
- N.E.P.A.L. - Never Ever Part As Lovers.
- I.N.D.I.A. - I Nearly Died In Adoration.
- K.E.N.Y.A. - Keep Everything Nice, Yet Arousing.
- C.A.N.A.D.A. - Cute And Naughty Action that Developed into Attraction
- K.O.R.E.A. - Keep Optimistic Regardless of Every Adversity.
- E.G.Y.P.T. - Everything's Great, You Pretty Thing!
- R.U.S.S.I.A. - Romance Under the Sky & Stars is Intimate Always.
- M.A.N.I.L.A. - May All Nights Inspire Love Always.
- B.A.L.I.W.A.G. - Beauty And Love I Will Always Give.
- M.A.L.A.B.O.N. - May A Lasting Affair Be Ours Now.
- I.M.U.S. - I Miss U, Sweetheart.
- P.A.S.I.G. - Please Always Say I'm Gorgeous.
- C.E.B.U. - Change Everything... But Us.
- P.E.R.U. - Porget Everyone... Remember Us.
- P.A.R.A.N.A.Q.U.E. - Please Always Remain Adorable, Nice And Quiet Under Ecstacy.
- T.O.N.D.O. - Tonight's Our Night, Dearest One.
- P.A.S.A.Y. - Pretty And Sexy Are You.
- Y.E.M.E.N. - 'Yugyugan Every Morning, Every Night.
- M.A.R.L.B.O.R.O. - Men Always Remember Love Because Of Romance Only.
- Y.A.M.A.H.A. - You Are My Angel! Happy Anniversary!
- I.T.A.L.Y - I trust and love you
- H.O.L.L.A.N.D - hope our love last and never die
- L.I.B.Y.A - Love is Beautiful You Also
- F.R..A.N.C.E - Friendship remains and never comes end